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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Programming Competition 2022
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The traditional faculty programming competition was held for the 17th time on July 1 with the participation of 18 teams led by the person in charge Academic Prof. Gill Barequet and TA Gil Ben-Shahar. The competition included 12 challenges from various fields in mathematics And computer science. And the winners are:

1st place: Team "team1" - 5 problems:
* Massa Bazea
* Siraj Srour
* Firas Yazbak
2nd place: Team "Pr3s3nTation_T3Rror" - 5 problems:
* Shaked Chen
* Or Keret
* Eyal Semel

Few teams that solved 4 problems each:
3. Team "snirotem": Rotem Bustanai, Snir Green
4. Team "BRB": Barak Belogolovski, Barak Biber, Roy Nessing
5. Team "Brute_Force": Aml Abd-Alrazik, Reyad Abd-Alrazik, Mohammed Obedat
6. Team "Barvazim": Jonathan Breitman, Yuval Lubarsky, Roi Yona

The winning team (and hopefully, two teams) will present the Technion in the prestigious international competition ICPC / SWERC to be held in the spring of 2023.

Congratulations to all participants and winners!

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