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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic Conference
Thursday, August 4, 2022
FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic ConferenceThis week, one of the largest conferences in computer science opened at the Technion - FloC The Federated Logic Conference 2022 which is held under the leadership of two members of the CS faculty - Prof. Orna Grumberg and Prof. Eran Yahav.

The FloC conference is a super-conference that hosts 12 different conferences and more than 60 workshops, and deals with the interface between mathematical logic and computer science. Mathematical logic provides computer science with a unifying basis and tools for modeling in diverse fields including artificial intelligence, computational complexity, distributed computing, software and hardware verification, programming languages ​​and software engineering. The FLoC conference is held once every four years and this year over a thousand experts from academia and industry are participating, including representatives from Meta, Intel, Amazon, Microsoft, Cadence, and Nvidia and leading universities including Oxford, Berkeley, Stanford and MIT.

Yesterday, Prof. Donald Knuth, one of the founding fathers of computer science, hosted (Zoom). Knuth wrote many books and the book series The Art of Computer Programming is especially well known, and is considered one of the most important sources in the literature of computer science. Great honor for the Technion and the CS.

Pictures from the event

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