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CS Researchers Developed an Automatic Method for Deriving Communication Protocol
Monday, August 15, 2022
CS Researchers Developed an Automatic Method for Deriving Communication Protocol CS researchers Prof. Orna Grumberg, Dr. Gabi Nakibly and graduate student Ron Marcovich, developed an automatic method for deriving a communication protocol from a running (binary) file that implements it. The work was done as part of the thesis of Marcovich, who is studying for a master's degree at the faculty.

Deriving a communication protocol is an important and very useful process in the cyber field. Researchers are interested in deriving communication protocols for the purpose of searching for weaknesses and "backdoors" (backdoors) as well as in order to analyze the operation of malware controlled remotely by an attacker. This operation is often done manually by a researcher in a long and complicated process that takes a lot of time. As part of the research, the PISE tool was developed which implements the algorithm we developed throughout the research and which uses ideas such as symbolic running and machine learning to learn the state machine of the protocol as well as its different types of messages.

The research was presented last week at the prestigious cyber conference Black Hat USA 2022, where the tool, its purpose and how it works was presented.[Back to the news index]