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Winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Excellence 2023
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Excellence 2023Congratulations to the winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth honors for the year 2023:

Daniela Bar-Lev, PhD student supervised by Prof. Tovi Etzion and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, winner of Jacobs Excellence Scholarship for her research on DNA-based storage systems - comprehensive characterization of the deletion channel and the deletion errors in storage and communication channels, for the purpose of correcting errors and building reconstruction algorithms and retrieve information.

Gal Sela, PhD student supervised by Prof. Erez Petrank, winner of Jacobs Excellence Scholarship for her research in the field of parallel and distributed algorithms - correctness, efficiency and survivability of parallel and distributed systems.

Noam Ben-Moshe, MSc student supervised by Dr. Joachim Behar, winner of Jacobs Excellence Scholarship for her research Deep Learning for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation Using the Raw ECG.

Sajy Khashab, MSc student supervised by Prof. Mark Silberstein, winner of Jacobs Excellence Scholarship for his research in programmable networks.

Ori Roth, MSc student supervised by Prof. Yossi Gil, winner of Jacobs Excellence Certificate for his research on programming languages ​​focusing on the computational power of type systems.

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