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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Orientation Day 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
CS Orientation Day 2023CS 2023 Orientation Day for new students will be held on Monday, March 20, 2023, and will begin at 10:00 with a Technion meeting at the Churchill Auditorium where the Senior Vice President, the Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Students Dean and Chairman of the Technion Student Association will speak to the new students, and between 11:00-14:00 there will be a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meeting at the Taub 1 Auditorium in the entrance floor, which will include tours, receiving a student card, acquaintance with members of the academic staff and the undergrads secretariat, as well as a meeting with student association representatives, faculty tours, demonstrations and more.

More details in CS UG secretariat.[Back to the news index]