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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS 2023 Hackaton Doing Good
Saturday, April 1, 2023
CS held the 2023 Hackaton Doing Good on Thursday-Friday, March 30-31, 2023,  in collaboration with Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital, Rambam Health Care Campus, and which this year will find solutions that enhance the well-being of children and their families during hospital treatment.

The event was attended by 135 students, supported by 50 associations, engineers and technologists from the industry and from CS who gathered to help develop applications and technological solutions to improve the experience of hospital staff involved in the care of children and their families, as well as a judging panel that included executives from among the sponsors of the event - Cadence, Grove, Mobileye, SEAT GEEK, CS4PEOPLE, Ruth, IEC, and the Technion Social Hub

And the winners are:
First  place: A warning system for violence against medical staff
Second place: Medical chatbot:
Third place: An effective communication interface between patients and the nursing staff

Congratulation to all the winners, thanks to all participants, to all who helped to bring on the event and to the sponsors, and see you in Hackathon 2024!

Pictures from the event.
The Technio Announcement

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