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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

RSS Pioneers Award to Roee Francos
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Congratulations to Roee Francos, CS PhD student, supervised by Alfred M. Bruckstein, for winning the RSS Pioneers award for 2023, which is awarded every year to the 30 most promising doctoral/post-doctoral early-career robotics researchers in the world, and he will receive the award in a workshop dedicated to the recipients of the prize as part of a major international robotics conference, Robotics: Science and Systems, to be held in July.

The award was given to Roee for his research dealing with the teamwork of multi-agent systems, and specifically on development of multi-agent trajectory planning algorithms for efficient robotic search missions and on development of algorithms for intelligent transportation systems aimed at enabling provably safe and efficient management and routing of large numbers of aerial vehicles for Urban Air Mobility applications. [Back to the news index]