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Best Poster Award at the London Calling 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Congratulations to MSC student Hadas Abraham, supervised by Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, for winning the best poster award at the London Calling 2023 conference, the leader in the field of Nanopore Sequencing and organized by Oxford Nanopore Technologies, which took place in May in London, for her work, in collaboration with CS students Orian Leitersdorf, Daniella Bar-Lev, and Omar Sabary (out of 144 submitted to the conference): Accurate Accelerated Read Clustering in the Nanopore Signal Domain, In the field of information storage - DNA Storage Lab - a research focusing on  algorithms that use the Nanopore Sequencer to improve the accuracy of information storage in DNA and for other  applications in DNA.

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