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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023

CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023

The Technion Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2023 was held on Monday evening, May 29, 2023 at the Technion amphitheatre. This year 264 Technion graduates in 2022-2023 received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 17 Computer Science graduates:

Michael Amir Titled: Probabilistic Pursuits on Graphs Advised by: Alfred Bruckstein
Ohad Eitan Titled: Access Patterns and Caching Algorithms Advised by: Roy Friedman
Yuri Feldman Titled: Semantic Perception under Uncertainty with Viewpoint-Dependent Models Advised by: Vadim Indelman
Catherine Haddad Titled: Learning Subclasses of Junta from Membership Queries Advised by: Nader Bshouty
Ido Hakimi Titled: Distributed Deep Neural Networks Advised by: Assaf Schuster
Dor Harris Titled: On the Orchestration of Advanced Cellular Network Advised by: Danny Raz
Dean Leitersdorf Titled: Fast Distributed Algorithms via Sparsity Awarenes Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel
Stav Perle Titled: Mathematical Techniques for Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers Advised by: Eli Biham
Dmitry Rabinovich Titled: Geometric Sorting of Simple Agents on Grid Environments with Applications to Autonomous Traffic Management Advised by: Alfred Bruckstein
Guy Rosin Titled: Incorporating Time into Word Representations Advised by: Kira Radinsky,
Shaul Markovitch
Idan Schwartz Titled: Cognitive Models in Deep Learning Advised by: Tamir Hazan,
Alexander Schwing
Rana Shahout Titled: Sketching Streaming Data: Efficient Methods for Processing Massive Data Advised by: Roy Friedman
Gal Sheffi Titled: A Scalable Linearizable Multi-Index Table Advised by: Erez Petrank
Uriel Singer Titled: Temporal Graph Embedding with Fairness Advised by: Kira Radinsky
Ron Slossberg Titled: On Synthesis and Reconstruction of Human Facial Photometry and Corresponding Geometry Advised by: Ron Kimmel
Ohad Talmon Titled: Improved Bounds for Online Aggregation and Caching Advised by: Seffi Naor
Gail Weiss Titled: Neural Sequence Models: A Formal Lens Advised by: Eran Yahav,
Yoav Goldberg

Congratulations and best of luck to all our graduates!

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