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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Undergraduate Students at ICML 2023
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Undergraduate Students at ICML 2023 Congratulations to our undergraduate students at the faculty - Badea Marjieh, Maroun Khriesh  and Gon Buzaglo, whose article: "Continual Learning in Linear Classification on Separable Data" was accepted to the ICML 2023 conference.

The article investigates the behavior of learning systems under serial changes in the learned distribution and was written under the guidance and collaboration of Itay Evron, Dr. Edward Moroshko and Prof. Daniel Soudry (Technion Electrical and Computer Engineering) as well as with Prof. Nathan Srebro (TTIC).

The three will present the article this summer in Hawaii.

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