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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2023
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2023CS President and Dean Excellent students f spring semester 2022 and winter semester 2022-23 were awarded in a ceremony held at the Technion Sport Center, on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

The event hosted family members and guests of 104 President excellent studentsand 315 Dean excellent students  in spring semester 2022 and winter semester 2022-23.

A social excellence award was given to student Eitan Biron, for dedicated volunteering for children treated at the Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital at the Rambam Medical Center, and to Alon Hacohen, for dedicated volunteering within the "Bells" ("Paamoninm") Association to build economic resilience among families in Israel - a welcome effort to aid and improve The face of Israeli society - well done!

Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students.

Pictures from the event
Pictures from diploma granting ceremony
"Pop Quiz" clip

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