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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Programming Competition 2023
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
CS Programming Competition 2023The competition included 12 problems taken from different areas in mathematics and computer science. A correct solution to a problem consisted of a program that solved correctly and efficiently a variety of instances of the problem, covering all kinds of special and degenerate cases, extreme cases in terms of size/complexity of the input, and so on. Here is the top of the final standing:

1st place: Team "Melinda's Angles" - 11 problems:
* Jonathan Gal
* Oren Hecht
* Idan Albo

Competed out of the contest: Team "WinCode"/Haifa U - 10 problems:
* Guy Shalgi
* Yanir Edri
* Ofek Shalgi

2nd place: Team "NameNotFound" - 9 problems:
* Zohar Nagel
* Eden Yosef
* Shirli Mushkatin

3rd place: Team "Eden Hamelech" - 7 problems:
* Gilad Shmerler
* Eitan Bloch
* Or Shafran

The winning team (and hopefully, two teams) will present the Technion in the prestigious international competition ICPC / SWERC to be held in the spring of 2024.

Congratulations to all participants and winners!

Pictures from the event [Back to the news index]