The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The competition included 12 problems taken from different areas in mathematics
and computer science. A correct solution to a problem consisted of a program
that solved correctly and efficiently a variety of instances of the problem,
covering all kinds of special and degenerate cases, extreme cases in terms of
size/complexity of the input, and so on. Here is the top of the final standing:
1st place: Team "Melinda's Angles" - 11 problems:
* Jonathan Gal
* Oren Hecht
* Idan Albo
Competed out of the contest: Team "WinCode"/Haifa U - 10 problems:
* Guy Shalgi
* Yanir Edri
* Ofek Shalgi
2nd place: Team "NameNotFound" - 9 problems:
* Zohar Nagel
* Eden Yosef
* Shirli Mushkatin
3rd place: Team "Eden Hamelech" - 7 problems:
* Gilad Shmerler
* Eitan Bloch
* Or Shafran
The winning team (and hopefully, two teams) will present the Technion in the
prestigious international competition ICPC / SWERC to be held in the spring of
Congratulations to all participants and winners!
from the event
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