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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Scientific Break Lectures
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Scientific Break  LecturesIn the current period, we invite you to "eye-level" scientific break lectures given by our faculty members.

Does it pay for my robot to be nice?

Dr. Sarah Keren | For the recorded lecture

How to prove without revealing a thing

Dr. Ron Rothblum | For the recorded lecture

Unsolvable problems (or - why does my computer freeze?)

Dr. Shaull Almagor | For the recorded lecture

What Kind Of Software Flies Into Space? (And Why Should It Really Be Reliable)

Dr. Hila Peleg | For the recorded lecture

The AI And Deep Learning Revolution - What Is It About?

Prof. Michael Elad | For the recorded lecture

Information Storage Systems: Past, Present And Back To The Future

Prof. Eitan Yaakobi | For the recorded lecture[Back to the news index]