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The startup founded by a group of Technion students will help Israel in the advocacy arena
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 9, 2023

Against the background of the ongoing war, a significant portion of Israeli students were drafted into the reserves and thousands of students volunteered in a variety of fields. A new initiative by a group of students from the Technion is designed to help Israel's advocacy efforts in the world. The members of the group are Zac Bamberger, Shani Goren and Ido Amit from the Taub Faculty of Computer Sciences, who joined Ofek Glick from the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences.

Zac Bamberger, a graduate student at the faculty, was in the middle of a trip to Vietnam when the war started. Upon his return to Israel, a group of five researchers formed around Bamberger, "We created a sort of technological startup whose goal is to remove anti-Israel content, make reliable pro-Israel content accessible, translate content and generate responses to inflammatory posts, all with the help of AI technology," explains Bamberger.

The members of the group hope that soon they will be able to put the original technologies they have developed to the benefit of the relevant parties involved in advocacy.

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