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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Prof. Michael Elad - Winning The Rothschild Prize For 2024
Monday, February 5, 2024
Warm congratulations to Prof. Michael Elad for winning the Rothschild Prize for 2024.

The prestigious award, on behalf of Yad Handiv, was founded in 1959 to support, encourage and promote the sciences and the humanities in Israel, and it is given in recognition of original and important publications in seven fields.

The award will be given to him in recognition of his pioneering contributions in the fields of signal and image processing and computational learning. Michael Elad's research led to a revolution in the ways of handling digital information through the development of groundbreaking tools and algorithms based on sparse representations and advanced techniques based on artificial intelligence.

His work over the years has introduced advanced models based on machine learning, which offer dimensionality reduction for signals and images, thus enabling efficient handling of these information sources for tasks such as compression, solving inversion problems, and more. A unique feature of his line of work is the continuous bridge that exists between in-depth theoretical and mathematical analysis and the practical world, where applications benefit directly from these contributions.

His work led to the creation of a new and rich field of research that changed the way in which information is processed and handled, and his contributions are an inspiration to many researchers all over the world.

Great honor!!

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