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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Congratulations to Prof. Michael Elad on His Election to the Israel Academy of Sciences
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Warm congratulations to Prof. Miki Elad on his election as a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences.

This is another significant recognition of the impressive research achievements of Miki Elad who joins a small and select group of prominent scientists in Israel.

Prof. Miki Elad deals with signal and image processing and computational learning while constantly bridging in-depth theoretical and mathematical analysis with the worlds of application. His research led to a revolution in the ways of handling digital information through the development of groundbreaking tools and algorithms based on sparse representations and advanced techniques based on artificial intelligence.

He won many awards and grants including the Weizmann Prize for Exact Sciences, the Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence, the Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education and the prestigious ERC grant. He is a fellow in the international associations IEEE and SIAM.

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