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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Registration for Technology Workshops - Hackathon Preparation Week - Open to Everyone!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
The CS Doing Good Faculty Hackathon is underway and we are excited!

Feel like you have no experience?

In preparation for the hackathon, we created three workshops that will give you practical tools in Android development, Web development and an introduction to NLP

Web Development

17.6 at 17:30 at Taub 337

We will learn about web development - fronend, backend and everything in between. In the workshop we will learn the principles and basics of web development including tools that will help you in the hackathon. In addition, you will build a small and high-quality fullstack application.

NLP Workshop

18.6 at 17:30 at Taub 337 We will learn basic principles in NLP and work with libraries, including experience. No prior knowledge of NLP is required

Android development

19.6 at 17:30 at Taub 337

Registration is open to all students (not just hackathon participants). You can register for more than one workshop The registration form is here

waiting for you! CS HACK Team[Back to the news index]