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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Warm congratulations to Daniela Bar-Lev
Monday, August 5, 2024

We would like to congratulate Daniella Bar-Lev, who has been awarded a PBC scholarship for post-doctoral studies abroad for excellent women in science. Daniella will begin her post-doctorate next year at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and the University of Zurich.

Daniella Bar-Lev is a PhD student who is conducting her doctoral research on error-correction in DNA-based storage systems under the supervision of Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Tuvi Etzion.

Her research focuses on comprehensive characterization of the deletion channel and deletion errors on storage and communication channels, to facilitate error correction and the development of algorithms for restoring and retrieving information for DNA-based storage systems.

Congratulations Daniella! We wish you all the best!

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