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Warm Congratulations To The Jacobs-Gutwirth Honors Winners
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Warm Congratulations To The Jacobs-Gutwirth Honors Winners

Warm congratulations to the Jacobs-Gutwirth Honors winners

Omer Sabary - is the recipient of the Jacobs Fellowship. Omer, a PhD student advised by Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh, is developing algorithms and error-correcting codes for emergent synthesis and sequencing methods in DNA-based data storage systems.

Tomer Cory - recipient of the Jacobs Fellowship. Tomer, a Master's student advised by Prof. Erez Petrank, is working on memory management and parallel data structures.

Yuval Shapira - recipient of the Jacobs Fellowship. Yuval, a Master's student advised by Dr. Dana Drachsler Cohen, is working on proving the immunity of neural networks to single-pixel attacks using combinatorial methods.

Shai Feldman - recipient of the Certificate of Merit Jacobs for the year 2025. Shai, a PhD student advised by Dr. Yaniv Romano, is working on reliability in learning systems.

Alon Hacohen - is a recipient of the Miriam and Aaron Gutwirth Scholarship. Alon, a Master's student advised by Dr. Dvir Aran, is working on developing domain-based, intelligent training methods for computational learning, particularly for Biological Foundation Models.

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