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Best Project and Programing Contest Awards Ceremony
Friday, January 9, 2009
Best Project and Programing Contest Awards CeremonyCertificate and prizes to the winners of the 2007-08 Computer Science Department undergraduate project contest were given in a short ceremony. The winning projects considered challenges in diverse areas: Computer communication, image processing, future prediction and accelerated testing of proofs, documents and code based on advanced computation theory.

The winners are:
Frist prize: Quasilinear PCPs, Michael-David Fiszer, Oren Kislev, & Doron Singer (Eli Ben Sasson)
Second prize: Predicting the News of tomorrow, Kira Radinsky & Sagi Davidovich (Shaul Markovitch)
Third prize: a. Image Filtering Algorithm based on Beltrami, Nir Bar Orr & Nir Nisan (Guy Rosman/Ron Kimmel); b. TDMA emulator, Shadi Ibrahim, Shai Dan, & Evgeny Petrilin (Itai Dabran).

Submission to next year contest in now open !

In addition, certificates and prizes were awarded to the members of the team who won the CS programing contest, and represented the Technion in the international ACM/ICPC contest: Carmi Grushko, Shahar Papini, and Yaniv Sabo. [Back to the news index]