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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Open Day Event at The Computer Science Department
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Technion open day for potential students will take place on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at the Technion Campus.

The Computer Science Department will hold a special reception for the newcomers at the CS Taub Lobby, including labs stands and research activities demos.

Between 11.30 and 16.00 lectures will be given at the Taub Auditoria by CS faculty members and labs engineers as follows:

Auditorium 1: Faculty Lectures
11.30 - Prof. R. Bar-Yehuda: "A Close Look at the Department of Computer Science"
15.15 - Prof. S. Markovitch: "The Learned Computer: Using Wikipedia to Increase Its Intelligence"
16.00 - Prof. R. Bar-Yehuda: "A Close Look at the Department of Computer Science"

Auditorium 2: Labs Lectures
12.30 - Yaron Honen, Geometric Image Processing (GIP): "Selected Projects in Image and Video Processing"
12.55 - Itai Dabran, Computer Communication Networking (LCCN): "Selected Projects in Communication"
13:20 - Mark Silberstein, Computational Biology Laboratory (CBL): "Hunting for Disease-Provoking Genes using Computers Worldwide"
13.45 - Ronen Keidar, Intelligent Systems (CIS & ISL): "Activity in Robotics and Computer Vision"
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