The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

On Wednesday, May 6 2009, between 16:00-18:30, the Computer Science Department will hold
its second Research Day for graduate studies in the lobby of the CS Taub Building.
During the event, our graduate students will present their researches on posters
and presentations. In addition to faculty and graduate and undergraduate students,
the event will host senior managers from the hi-tech industry, including
Check Point, Elbit, EMC, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Mellanox, Microsoft, Oracle, PTC, Rafael, SAP, Yahoo! and others.
The participating researches:
Data Communication, Networking, and Distributed Computing
- Probabilistic Methods in Distributed Computing
- Multi-A(ge)nt Patrolling Algorithms
- The NATO! Project
- Topology Design and Control: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
Image and Video Processing and Analysis
- Automatic Parameter Tuning for Inverse Problems
- A Robust Multi Scale Approach to Multimodal Image Registration
- Super-Resolution with Probabilistic Motion Estimation
- Unsupervised Estimation of Segmentation Quality using Nonnegative Factorization
- Image Reconstruction from the Magnitude of its Fourier Transform
- Photogrammetric Texture Mapping from Casual Images
- Statistical Learning Theory Analysis of Dictionary Selection for Sparse Representation
Computational Biology
- Deciphering the Ancestry of Admixed Individuals
- Bug Attacks
Theory and Algorithms
- Synchronized Alternating Pushdown Automata
- Using Property Testing for Efficient Detection of Nearly-Sorted Relations
- Online Reordering Buffer- Improved Algorithm
- Logical Methods in Combinatorics
- Algorithms for Cost Minimization In Video on Demand
Learning and Data Mining
- Temporal Concept Learning
- A Scheduling Framework for Multi-Cluster, Topology-Aware Applications
- Compact Hierarchical Explicit Semantic Representation
- Taming Strongly Invasive Aspects
- Agile Definition of Software Process Support using Aspects
Graphics and Geometric Computing
- Enumeration and Tiling Problems of Polyominoes
- Reconstruction of 3D Objects from 2D Cross-Sections
- Space Deformation with Conformal and Harmonic Maps
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