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CS Research Day 2009 Winning Posters
Monday, May 11, 2009
CS Research Day 2009 Winning PostersThe following posters where awarded first place, and will receive a prize of NIS 1,250 each:
Poster 09 - Eliyahu Osherovich: "Image Reconstruction from the Magnitude of its Fourier Transform"
Poster 12 - Sivan Bercovici: "Deciphering the Ancestry of Admixed Individuals"
Poster 13 - Yaniv Carmeli: "Bug Attacks"

The following posters where awarded second place, and will receive a prize of NIS 750 each:
Poster 10 - Yochay Tzur: "Photogrammetric Texture Mapping from Casual Images"
Poster 16 - Noa Elgrabli: "Online Reordering Buffer- Improved Algorithm"
Poster 18 - Gal Tamir: "Algorithms for Cost Minimization In Video on Demand"
Poster 19 - kira Radinsky: "Temporal Concept Learning"
Poster 21 - Sonya Liberman: "Compact Hierarchical Explicit Semantic Representation"

The awards are partly courtesy of the faculty Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP). [Back to the news index]