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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

International Symposium in Honor of Nissim Francez' 65th Birthday
Sunday, May 31, 2009
International Symposium in Honor of Nissim FrancezOn May 24th and 25th an international symposium entitled "Languages: From Formal to Natural" was held in the Computer Science Department to honor Prof. Nissim Francez on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Scholars from the United States, Holland,  Poland, and England joined colleagues from the Technion and other Israeli universities in presenting work related to the two major areas in which Prof. Francez has made major contributions: approaches to verifying and specifying complex (usually concurrent) programs, and natural language semantics. As the concluding lecture of the symposium, Prof. Francez gave an overview of his work, and pointed out promising new directions that he intends to investigate. [Back to the news index]