The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 34 Master students in a ceremony which
was held on Thursday, June 11 2009, at the Taub Auditorium.
Dean Prof.
Eli Biham, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof.
Danny Raz,
Ph.D. student
Mark Silberstein
and graduating M.Sc. Student
Lila Shnaiderman
spoke in the presence of many guests and family members.
Congratulations to
Rotem Oshman
Ishay Goldin who graduated summa-cum-laude, to
Benny Godlin,
Andrey Klinger and
Guy Rosman who graduated cum-laude,
and to all Master graduates:
Ezer Bar-Aviv
Gil Gattegno
Mark Ginzburg
Ran Gelles
Ron Gross
Zvi Devir
Tal Zamir
Evelina Zarivach
Bennyamin Yoshpa
Mahameed Aez-Alden
Adi Mano
Saib Mansour
Enan Mare'e
Li-Tal Mashiach
Amjad Aboud
Roy Fox
Yuri Pekelny
Anna Tzemach
Alex Kogan
Ari Shotland
Nir Shemy
Lila Shnaiderman
Tamar Aizikowitz
Gadi Aleksandrowicz
Ofir Weber
Itay Maman
Matan Protter
Valentin Kravtsov
Royi Ronen
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