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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Excellent TA Awards - Winter Semester 2008/09
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Excellent TA Awards - Winter Semester 2008/09The computer science department congratulates the winners of the
Excellent TA awards for winter semester 2008/2009.

Excellent TA Matmid:
Tamar Aizikowitz - for the 2nd time
Gadi Aleksandrowicz
Keren Censor
Leonid Raskin

Excellent TA Faculti Matmid
Dan Raviv

Excellent TA Faculti
Ilia Nudelman
Kira Radinsky
Amir Tal

The excellent TA award (for winter and spring 07/08 semesters) ceremony will be held
on July 8 2009, 19:00, at the Butler Auditorium, Technion Neeman Institute. [Back to the news index]