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Amdocs Prize to 2009 Best Project and Programming Contests Winners
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Amdocs Prize to 2009 Best Project and Programming Contests WinnersThe winners of the 2009 Amdocs Best Project Contest received the prize in a ceremony which also awarded the CS winners of the 2009 faculty's Amdocs Programming contest - who won silver medals in the ACM ICPC European Contest in Madrid. The event was held on Tuesday, November 24 2009 in the presence of Mr. Ram Yonat from Amdocs and many guests and family members. Congratulations to the winners.

Following are the winning projects of the 2009 Amdocs Best Project Contest:
- Oran Barak: "PeerBoost: Enhancing throughput in WiFi Networks" (instructed by Prof. Roy Friedman and Dr. Gabriel Kliot).
- Ohad Lutzky, Tom Meiri and Guy Treger: "Badsense - Using Google Advertising Mechanism as a Hacking Tool" (instructed by Dr. Amichai Shulman and. Prof. Eli Biham).
- Shai Rubinshtein & Dror Ya'akov: "Learning to Play the Game of Risk" (instructed by Prof. Shaul Markovitch).

The projects posters will be exhibited in the Study Hall of the CS Taub Building (ground floor).

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