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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The 2010 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The 2010 Technion Open House at the Computer Science DepartmentThe Technion Open Day 2010 for prospective students will be held on Sunday, January 24, 2010 between 11:00-15:00. The main CS booth will stand in the lobby of The Computer Science Taub Building at the Technion. Lectures will be given by faculty members in the CS Auditorium 2 as follows:

12:00 -

Prof. Reuven Bar-Yehuda - A Close look at the Computer Science Department

12:45 -

Prof. Shaul Markovitch - The Knowledgable Computer: Using Wikipedia to Enhance Computer Intelligence

13:45 -

Prof. Irad Yavneh - Multiscale Computational Methods

14:30 - Mr. Itai Dabran - About LCCN Laboratory Main Projects

15:00 -

Prof. Reuven Bar-Yehuda - A Close look at the Computer Science Department

In addition, representatives of the Computer Science Labs will meet prospective students at the CS Taub Building lobby and will demonstrate their research activity with live presentations and simulations. [Back to the news index]