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CS Technion Teams win Microsoft ImagineCup
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
CS Technion Teams win Microsoft ImagineCup
Two CS Technion teams won first and second place in the finals of Microsoft's ImagineCup Competition. The winning project was HELP which team members are: Yoav Kantor, Klara Gorinshtain and Amit Gil, and the second runner up was MEC which team members are: Tamer Salman, Faris Jahshan and Mohammad Muhissen.

The third place was awarded to a joint project of the Ben Gurion University and the College of Management. The winning team will represent Israel in the world finals in Poland in July.

Congratulations to the winners! We are very proud of you!

This year the competition was titled: "Imagin a world in which technology helps solving most serious problems the world confronts".[Back to the news index]