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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Board of Governors Visit at CS Labs – "Be a Student for the Day"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Board of Governors Visit at CS Labs – "Be a Student for the Day"On June 13, 2010, members of the Board of Governors participated in a special program "Be a student for the day" in the CS Faculty. They visited the Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (ISL), the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP), the Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL) and the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL). The Board of Governors members attended project presentations by faculty members, technical staff and students and experimented with projects under the guidance and supervision of lab staff. The projects presentations were followed by a lecture on Identification of Disease Genes by Prof. Dan Geiger. At the closing ceremony, the Dean awarded diplomas to the participants.[Back to the news index]