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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

2010 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) and Dean Execellence Award Ceremony
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
2010 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) and Dean Execellence Award Ceremony
Excellent CS Students Program (SAMBA) and Dean Execellence Followships Award Ceremony was held on Sunday, July 4, 2010, at the Taub Computer Science Building and was attended by many guests, family members of the awardees and representatives of the fellowships granting companies:
Check Point Technologies Assaf Lavi Foundation who bestowed Shai Moran, Omer Peleg, Pavel Forman, Dmitry Rabinovitch and Skarbovsky Marina;
Elbit Systems Yosefa Abramovitch Foundation who bestowed Liora Neeman (for both semesters);
Mellanox Technologies Guy Shevet Foundation who bestowed Ilia Lesuchin, Tal Steier and Tal Wagner (for both semesters);
The American Technion Society (ATS) who bestowed the 2010 Ernest Freudman Special Fellowship to Liora Neeman.

Congratulations to all 2009/10 fellowships winners!

More details about the SAMBA program.[Back to the news index]