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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Two Technion CS Students Received the 2010 Cisco Prize
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Two Technion CS Students Received the 2010 Cisco PrizeCisco granted the Excellent Students Prize, to six excellent students, who were selected out of 30 candidates from the Technion, Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University, and who study or research computer and internet networks. Both Technion CS winners - Moran Feldman, a doctoral student, and Sari Duek, an undergraduate student - received from Cisco a fellowships and a gift.

At the ceremony, held on July 27 2010 at Cisco Israel offices, the CEO gave a lecture and the students took part in a tour around the development center which is considered one of the leading centers of Cisco outside the United States.

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