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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Exhibition on The History of Computing in CS Taub Building
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Exhibition on The History of Computing in CS Taub BuildingThe exhibition "The History of Computing" was inauguated on October 17, 2010 in the vitrine of Taub Building for Computer Science in the Technion. The exhibition depicts the history of computing from the 1950's until today with texts and exhibits, most of which were loaned from the The National Museum of Science, Technology and Space (Daniel and Matilda Recanati Center). The exhibition presents the development of computing using three facets: Operating systems, the Internet and Algorithms.

On the event the faculty also celebrated the new school year of 2010-11 and awarded its excellent staff members.

More pictures of the exhibition in the CS web site.

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