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Amdocs Prize to 2010 Best Project and Programming Contests Winners
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Amdocs Prize to 2010 Best Project and Programming Contests WinnersThe winners of the 2010 Amdocs Best Project Contest received the prize in a ceremony which also awarded the CS team, sponsored by Amdocs, who won a Gold Medal (2nd place) in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2010 programming contest in Madrid.

The event was held on Wednesday, January 19 2011, and hosted guests from the Technion and Amdocs. Among the speakers were Prof. Eli Biham, CS Dean; Prof. Yaacov Mamane, Technion Undergraduate Studies Dean; Prof. Gill Barequet, Competitive Programming initiator and conductor since 2006; Mr. Tal Givoly, Chief Scientist at Amdocs Inc. who indicated that Amdocs collaborates with the CS faculty to support and promote students and encourage them to excellence.

Following are the winning projects of the 2010 Amdocs Best Project Contest:

Elad Atar, Eyal Kibar and Uri Wasserstrom: Command Protocol via an Over-The-Air interface (COTA) - HTTP Remote controller for a Cellphone (instructed by Itai Dabran, Chief Engineer of LCCN).

Oren Ashkenazi and Roei Schuster: Solving Life’s Day-to-Day Questions Using Machine Learning (instructed by Prof. Shaul Markovitch and the Learning and Reasoning Laboratory).

Maksim Eisenstein: Subdivision Termination Criteria in Subdivision Multivariate Solvers (instructed by Dr. Michael Barton, Prof. Gershon Elber and the CGGC).

The projects posters (hereby docs) will be exhibited in the Study Hall of the CS Taub Building (ground floor).

More details about ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2009 and 2010 contests in Madrid. [Back to the news index]