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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The Department Of Computer Science Announces With Regret the Departure of a Great Friend, Henry Taub
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Henry Taub, a great Technion benefactor and Distinguished Chairman of the International Board of Governors, passed away on Thursday, March 31, 2011. Henry Taub supported the Faculty of Computer Science from its inception until his last days. He twice undertook to establish a building for the Faculty; once in its early days, when he contributed to build the "Old Taub Building" (currently hosting the Humanities and Arts department), and secondly a decade ago when he supported the foundation of the present CS Taub Building. Henry was always attentive and supportive to the CS needs and highly valued the department's progress and its students' welfare.

Professor Eli Biham, CS Dean, said that the CS Department has lost a great friend.

Henry Taub, Honorary Doctor, and the Technion Medal recipient, was the founder of ADP, the world’s largest providers of business outsourcing solutions. He had also been engaged in philanthropic endeavors in the United States Jewish community and in Israel.

The Computer Science Faculty sends condolences to Marilyn Taub and the family. [Back to the news index]