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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The 1st Annual International TCE Conference (June 1-5, 2011),
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments at the Technion are establishing a joint center for Computer Engineering. An inaugural conference, The 1st Technion Computer Engineering (TCE) Conference (June 1-5, 2011) will mark the opening of the center. The conference will host invited distinguished speakers from all over the world, and CS-EE research labs and industrial partners will present their research activities.

The program will include two sessions:

Computer Architecture and Systems

(Chairs: Assaf Schuster, Uri Weiser, Technion)
Wednesday, June 1st (afternoon)
Thursday, June
2nd (all day)

Imaging Sciences
(Chair: Ron Kimmel, Technion)
Sunday, June 5th (all day)

Complete program and registration.

You are all invited to participate,
Prof. Ron Kimmel, General Chair, Technion
Prof. Adam Shwartz, Dean of the EE Department
Prof. Eli Biham, Dean of the CS Department.

The Marker report on the new Center.[Back to the news index]