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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering
Monday, June 20, 2011
Software Engineering Student invite you to attend the CS Annual Software Engineering presentation which will be held by the project teams as follows:

Thursday, June 23, 10:30, Taub 337: My Next Game- There are so many games out there. What shall I play now?

Thursday, June 23, 11:30, Taub 337: myBuy - Your fun. Your myBuy

Thursday, June 23, 13:30, Taub 337: BookIt - Create complete and extensive books from Wikipedia articles, using only a few words!)

Sunday, June 26, 10:39, Taub 337: Amuse Me - Have you ever got the feeling the web is too boring?

Monday, June 27, 10:30, Taub 337:
SiteUp - Promoting your website by finding the right words

Monday, June 27, 13:30, Taub 337:
Downcast - Recommendation site according to user's own taste of songs

Wednesday, June 29, 11:30, Taub 337: iNews - Bringing news to you - the way YOU want it!

Wednesday, June 29, 13:30, Taub 337:
Ready Set Match - Movie Community: Come hear about our revolutionary new movie recommendations website.

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