The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The traditional programming contest of the Faculty of Computer Science was held
for the sixth time on Monday, Judne 20 2011. The winning team included Noa Korner,
Omer Tabach, and Tomer Vromen. The seven teams, which attended the contest,
were asked to solve as many as possible out of nine programming problems in
various fields in Mathematics and Computer Science. The winning team
demonstrated a lot of talent and solved four problems. The contest was
organized by Yaniv Sabo (tutor in the course "Competitive Programming") and
Prof. Gill Barequet (academic supervisor). Noa, Omer, and Tomer will represent
the faculty and the Technion in the
prestigious programming contest ACM/ICPC,
which will be held in Madrid in November 2011.
Congratulations to the weaning team and good luck in Madrid!
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