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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Friday, December 23, 2011
Check Point Software Technologies will hold a special evet at CS on Wednesday December 28 2011. The event will include a lecture at 12:45 in Taub class no. 3 (Foor 1) by:

Tomer Teller (Check Point Security Evangelist at Check Point) on:

Cyber Warefare – How Stuxnet Took Down an Iranian Nuclear Facility

In July 2010, the world was stunned with the discovery of a computer worm that infected the Iranian Nuclear program. The worm, known later as "Stuxnet, was a sophisticated software that caused significant damage to Iran Nuclear facilities.

It revealed the existence of a new era in information security that was known to few people - Cyber Warfare. In this lecture we will tell the detailed story of Stuxnet and mention some other important recent attacks.

More details in the attached poster.[Back to the news index]