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CS Dean Receives the RSA Conference Award 2012 and IACR Distinguished Lecturer 2013
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Yesterday the RSA Conference has presented Prof. Eli Biham, Dean of Computer Science Department, with the prestigious RSA Conference Award 2012 for Excellence in the Field of Mathematics: "Professor Eli Biham has contributed groundbreaking work on the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key ciphers. Biham, a professor and dean of the Computer Science department at the Technion Israeli Institute of Technology, co-discovered the technique of differential cryptanalysis with Adi Shamir in the late 1980’s."

Eli Biham has also been chosen by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) to be next year's IACR Distinguished Lecturer.

The CS department congratulates Prof. Biham on his prestigious aceivments.

See RSA Conference announcement on and on

Congratulations to our Dean! [Back to the news index]