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Reunion of Technion CS 1996-1998 Alumni
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Reunion of Technion CS 1996-1998 AlumniFifteen years ago they graduated Technion CS and on April 4th they returned for the CS 1996-1998 Alumni Reunion. The alumni reunited on a gala event held in the new CS Taub Building.

This alumni reunion was the 4th in the CS history and it hosted 250 graduates, faculty and Technion seniors. A festive dinner was served accompanied by musical entertainment by a Jazz trio.

Tamir Levi, CS Ph.D. graduate from 1998 - and a CS lecturer at present - gave an exhilarant lecture on the changes he and his fellow-alumni have gone through since graduation: "Where were we? 1996 - young students; 2001 - young unemployed; 2012 - young oldsters". Tamir was followed by Dr. Yossi Vardi, one of Israel's first high-tech entrepreneurs, who told the guests about the "secret gravy of Israel high-tech" and hilariously described his own unbelievable adventures in the high-tech industry ("Hollywood did a movie on me, but due to modesty they called it "Forrest Gump").

More photos and reminisces from the reunion are available in 1996-1998 Alumni page. [Back to the news index]