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2011 CS Dean Execellence and Programming Contests Winners Awards Ceremony
Monday, April 30, 2012
2011 CS Dean Execellence and Programming Contests Winners Awards Ceremony The winners of the 2011 CS Dean Execellence Award and 2011 Programming Contest were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on April 22, 2012, and which hosted guests and family members of 150 Dean Excellent students and young leading programmers who won the traditional programming contest of the Faculty of Computer Science held for the sixth time in June 2011.

The winning team included Noa Korner, Omer Tabach, and Tomer Vromen. The seven teams, which competed in the contest, were asked to solve nine programming problems in various fields in Mathematics and Computer Science. The contest was organized by Yaniv Sabo and Prof. Gill Barequet, Competitive Programming initiator and conductor since 2006. Noa, Omer, and Tomer represented later honorably the faculty and the Technion in the prestigious programming contest ACM/ICPC, which was held in Madrid in November 2011.

The ceremony was conducted by Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Vice Dean for undergraduate studies, and a
mong the speakers were Prof. Eli Biham, CS Dean.

Congratulations to all our excellent students.[Back to the news index]