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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The 2nd Annual International TCE Conference (June 6-7, 2012),
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Technion Computer Engineering Center (TCE) and the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments at the Technion are would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual International TCE Conference on June 6-7, 2012, which will focus this year on Networking, Cloud and Beyond. Topics will include Cloud, Mobility, Network Economics, Social Networks and Wireless Networking. The conference will feature distinguished speakers from leading companies and universities world-wide, such as Cisco, IBM, Mellanox and RAD, as well as professors from Berkeley, Cambridge, Princeton, UCLA, University of Pennsylvania and more. The speakers will review the state of the art in their fields and devote time to address open issues and a future prospective.

For the complete program and list of speakers please visit the conference page.

Registration is now open! For further details please contact tce at

Looking forward to seeing you there![Back to the news index]