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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Student-Faculty Day, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Student-Faculty Day, 2012With the utmost disdain for the laws of Thermodynamics, our agile student union representatives poured three buckets of crushed ice, two kilograms of salt, and a pail and a half of water, into a large wading pool stocked with lukewarm bottles of Goldstar and – Whoosh! – before we could so much as utter interpolatory integration, scores of well-chilled beer bottles were lined up in front of us. This never would have worked in the Physics Department, but we – what do we know about Thermodynamics?

Watermelon, smoothies, frozen yoghurt with super extras, a drum circle, backgammon, games, football, singers and bands, a faculty-student volleyball match (complete with hot uniforms!) and much much more – the fifth straight annual beer-day, and this one seemed the best of them all! Quite by coincidence, we were visited by members of the legendary Taub family, along with the Technion President, who was spotted sipping an icy one. Cheers! Kudos to our student union for breaking all records, especially to Dima (Happy Birthday!) and Amir. It was a wonderful note on which to end the school year. Have a wonderful summer and see you all next year!! [Back to the news index]