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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

A Cermony in Memory of Mrs. Menuha Stikovsky, CS First Chief Librarian
Monday, August 20, 2012
A Cermony in Memory of Mrs. Menuha Stikovsky, CS First Chief LibrarianOn Thursday, August 9 2012 the CS Library held a ceremony in memory of Mrs. Menuha Stikovsky, CS First Chief Librarian (1969-1977) and one of the library founders. Among the participants were family and friends and Mrs. Stikovsky's daughters, who initiated commemoration of their mother by donating an upgrade to a sitting area in the library, including a multimedia screen in favor of the library users. CS Dean, Prof. Eli Biham and Prof. Eliezer Kantorowitz, who was a close friend of Mrs. Stikovsky, spoke on behalf of the faculty.[Back to the news index]