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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Technion and CS 2012 Researchers Night
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Technion and CS 2012 Researchers NightIn a colorful event the Technion and the Faculty of Computer Science celebrated the 2012 Researchers Night. In the event took part 9 faculties from the Technion and 14 hi-tech companies, as well as groups of students from several high schools. The event is a science annual festival and is held under the initiative and sponsorship of the Ministry on Science and the European Union. This year the event was held on the occasion of Alan Mathison Turing's 100th anniversary and computer science in Israel. CS Taub Building and its promenade surrounding offered meetings with researchers, laboratory presentations, lectures, workshops activations, live demonstrations, and other activities in a variety of computing areas.

More than 5,000 visitors attended the event, starting at dusk and ending nearly at 10 PM. Among the distinguished guests were Israel Minister of Science and Technology, Prof Daniel Herschkowitz, the European Union Ambasador, Mr. Andrew Standley, the founder of Comigo and M-Systems, Mr. Dov Moran, and Intel Israel President, Mr. Muli Eden, who were strongly impressed by the power of the computing field at the CS and the Technion and by the diversity of hi-tech innovation.

The Faculty of Computer Science is proud to constantly receive enthusiastic responses on the event and thanks all attendees. [Back to the news index]