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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Interviewing Event at CS by IBM Research Labs
Monday, December 17, 2012
Interviewing Event at CS by IBM Research LabsIBM Research Labs in Israel will hold an Interviewing event at the CS Department on Wednesday, December 19, 2012, between 12:30-14:30, in room 701 (floor 7) at the CS Taub Building.

At the event, IBM representatives will interview candidates for optional openings and new projects in various technological subjects. Excelling students are invited to meet researchers and managers from the company and apply for the presented jobs.

To apply and coordinate an interview with recruiting staff member, please send your CV and grades chart, marking the desired job, according to the attached document, to recruiting manager Efrat Barnea: efratb at Application can be submitted in the IBM career site, more information can be obtained in the IBM site or by tel.: 04-
8281320, and for more details please email: efratb at[Back to the news index]