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Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to AdaptThe New York Times
December 31, 2012

A new study by Imperva, a data security firm in Redwood City, Calif., and students from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is the latest confirmation of this. Amichai Shulman [Technion CS graduate], Imperva’s chief technology officer, and a group of researchers [Michael Bespalov, Technion CS graduate, and Yogev Shamay, Technion CS undergraduate student] collected and analyzed 82 new computer viruses and put them up against more than 40 antivirus products, made by top companies like Microsoft, Symantec, McAfee and Kaspersky Lab. They found that the initial detection rate was less than 5 percent.

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