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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

2013 Prestigious Programming Contest
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
CS announces the 2013 8th Programming Workshop of the prestigious ACM Programming Contest.

This year the workshop will collaborate with Google R&D Center and will include a class in the Google offices, where Google engineers will conduct a dynamic workshop. The course will conclude with a contest between the participating students, and the best team will win Google Tablets and represents the faculty on the International ACM-ICPC contest to be held at the end of the year in Valencia Spain.

The course is directed by Prof. Gill Barequest - chief lecturer, and Noa Korner - workshop instructor and team coach for Spain contest.

More details in the course page.

Past international contest CS winners: 2009 Silver Medal 2010 Gold Medal and 2012 Bronze Medal.[Back to the news index]