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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

2012 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Monday, March 11, 2013
The winners of the 2012 CS Dean Excellence Award, Programming Project Contest winners and Amdocs best project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Thursday, March 10, 2013.

In the presence of guests and family members of Dean Excellent students and young leading programmers the ceremony commenced with CS Dean, Prof. Eli Biham and Amdocs representative, Mr. Miki Sabah awarding the winners of the 2012 Amdocs Best Project Contest:

- Lior Shpigelman, Shiran Maor, Chen Carniel (supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman and the Computer Systems Laboratory - CSL): "Security Camera Application For Android Devices"

- Alex Portnov and Dror Baum (supervised by Itai Dabran and Constantine Elster and The Laboratory of Computer Communication and Networking - LCCN) In collaboration with Qualcomm: "Indoor Map Screening and Route Finding on a Smartphone".

- Kiril Yurovnik (supervised by Prof. Shaul Markovitch and the Learning and Reasoning Laboratory - LARA): "Subset Selection".

The projects posters will be exhibited in the Study Hall of the CS Taub Building (ground floor).

The ceremony proceeded with the Dean and Google representative, Mr. Ari Shotland, awarding the 2012 Google Programming Contest winnig group who also won a Bronze Medal (came in 12 out of 44) in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2012 programming contest held on November 2012 in Valencia, Spain. The team members are CS students Olivier Hofman, Idan Elad, Mike Harris and Noa Korner (coach), Gill Barequet (faculty advisor) who were selected by the faculty in the June 2012 Google-CS Programming Contest.

Concluding the ceremony, Hila Glantz, students representative, gave a moving speech on behalf of all the winters and the Dean and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Shaul Markovitch awarded 130 CS Excellent students in 2012.

Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students. [Back to the news index]